Your roof may be aging faster than you realize

The roof of your home is its first line of defense against the elements. But as a roof ages, its ability to protect lessens.

The manufacturer’s estimated lifetime rating for roof shingles is determined under ideal circumstances, but actual conditions that your roof endures could be far from ideal.

Storm damage in the U.S. continues to escalate, with hail being a major cause of roof damage. Nearly all supercell thunderstorms produce hail, ranging from pea-sized to baseball-sized or larger. A hail‑producing storm moving through a residential area can cause widespread roof damage.

Many factors can quickly affect the lifetime of a roof shingle:

  • improper installation
  • improper ventilation
  • slope of the roof
  • overall climate

Proper maintenance of your roof, chimney, flashing, vents and gutters can slow the deterioration of your roof.

Here are some things you can do to protect your roof and your investment in your home:

Inspect your roof regularly so that you can address small problems quickly, avoiding costly roof failures down the road.

  • Watch for conditions that may indicate a problem, such as:
  • Curling, lifting, clawing, granular loss and other deterioration of shingles
  • The presence of moss or algae
  • Waves or ridges in the roof line; these can indicate a problem with the roof decking or framing.

Replace your roof when condition or age indicates it may be losing its ability to divert moisture. Replacing an aging roof can help maintain your home’s top defense. If you replace your roof, please let your insurance agent know immediately to assure that your home is insured for the correct value.

Finally, if you have a roof claim, look for a local, established contractor to do any necessary repairs. Be careful of unusually low bids – a roof is a major investment and a major protective feature of your home.